Shopify - Cart Options When Delivering from Multiple Locations

  • Updated

When you enable multiple locations, you can opt to let customers choose between Sherpa and other shipping options. You can now customise the labels and descriptions of those options at cart. You can also change the text for the pop-up that shows when items in the cart can't be shipped via Sherpa.

Customise Sherpa when shown in cart

  1. Ensure 'Shopify store with multiple active locations' is selected.
  2. Select Cart Options from the header navigation
  3. Select either of these options:mceclip2.png
  4. You will have the option to customise the labels for the pop-up

  5. If you opt to let your customers move to checkout without removing items from their cart, you can enable the Skip this step text which gives an option to go straight to checkout. Sherpa rates won't be shown.
  6. If you have selected Allow other shipping options in addition to Sherpa you will also have the option to customise the labels the customer see's in cart:

  7. You can add your own text to suit your proposition. If the customer selects 'Other shipping options', they will be taken to checkout without having to remove any items from cart, and Sherpa rates won't be shown.

Don't wish to show Sherpa cart options at all?

We’ve added an option to hide Sherpa at checkout, even when multiple locations is enabled. The app will only show Sherpa rates at checkout only if at least one location is in range of the customer AND all the items in that order are available at that location.
Note: The date calendar and driver notes features are also disabled with this option.



Should you need further assistance with this, please send an email to or log a support ticket via our help desk.

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