What if my delivery is outside of Sherpa's service hours?
We understand that sometimes you may need a delivery made outside our operational hours. In these instances, you will still have access to the Sherpa fleet to have your delivery made; however, drivers may not be available to complete your delivery. Our system will automatically attempt to find you a driver, but we cannot guarantee a driver will be available.
If we cannot provide you with a driver and the booking was made outside our service hours, we do not process credits or refunds.
Important Note: Sherpa will not be held liable for delays in the following uncontrollable circumstances, as stated in the Terms and Conditions. These conditions can include but are not limited to:
- Extreme weather (flash flooding, 40+ degree temperature, gale force winds)
- COVID-19 lockdowns
- Force majeure events
- Main event days and peak periods (Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas Eve)