Logging a delivery with Sherpa is straightforward. Follow these steps to ensure a seamless experience:
Log into Your Sherpa Account
- Navigate to the 'New Delivery' view.
Enter Delivery Details
Item Quantity and Description: Specify the number of packages/bags and describe the item (e.g., computer, a bouquet of flowers).
Note: The item quantity refers to the number of packages/bags, not individual items.
Weight Specifications
- If any item in your delivery is heavier than 15kg, check the box and enter the specific weight. Sherpa does not accept deliveries over 25kg.
Enter Pickup and Delivery Locations
- Provide a business name, level, suite, or unit in the first box and the street number, name, city, and postcode in the second box.
- If the pickup location is the same for every delivery, set it as a default in Delivery Preferences for automatic pre-fill.
Select the Type of Vehicle
- Choose the vehicle required for your delivery. Each vehicle type has specific size and weight requirements.
Choose the Delivery Option
- Select the most suitable delivery option for your needs.
Specify Ready for Pickup Time
- Indicate when the item will be ready for pickup by selecting a specific date and time. If left unchanged, it defaults to the next available immediate pickup time.
Get a Price Quote
- Click "Check Price" if you want a quote. Your delivery will not be created at this point.
Proceed to Additional Details
- Click "Next" to move to Step 2 of the delivery creation process.
Enter Pickup Details
- Provide contact details and any specific instructions for the driver at the pickup location. If these details are consistent, set default values in My Account > Delivery Preferences.
Enter Delivery Details
- Provide contact details and specific delivery instructions, including options for:
- Sending SMS tracking to the recipient (requires a valid mobile number).
- Delivering to a specified recipient (Sherpa driver will check the recipient's ID).
- Delivering alcohol (compliant with Australian RSA laws).
- Leaving the item unattended in a safe place if no one is home.
- Marking the item as fragile.
Additional Information
- Enter any other relevant details in the Other Instructions field.
- Reference ID: Use the order ID from your online store for easier tracking.
Review and Submit
- Review your delivery details and click "Submit Delivery" to create the delivery.
If you have any questions, please contact our friendly Sherpa Support team by submitting a ticket.