Can I get a quote before confirming my delivery?

  • Updated

Follow these steps to get a quote before confirming your delivery:

Log in to Your Sherpa Account

  • Go to the 'New Delivery' view.


Enter Delivery Details

  • Specify the item quantity and provide a description of the item (e.g., computer, a bouquet of flowers).

quantity.pngNote: Item quantity refers to the number of packages/bags the driver will pick up, not the number of individual items purchased by your customer.


Weight Specifications

If any item in your delivery is heavier than 15kg, select the checkbox and add the specific weight.

Note: Sherpa will not accept deliveries over 25kg.


Enter Pickup and Delivery Locations

  • Add a business name, level, suite, or unit in the first box and the street number, name, city, and postcode in the second box.


Note: If the pickup location is always the same, set it as a default in Delivery Preferences for automatic pre-fill.




Select the Type of Vehicle

        • Choose the vehicle required for your delivery. Each vehicle type has specific size and weight requirements.


Choose the Delivery Option

  • Select the most suitable delivery option for your needs



Specify Pickup Time

  • Indicate when the item will be ready for pickup by selecting a specific date and time. If unchanged, it defaults to the next available immediate pickup time.




Get a Price Quote

  • Click 'Check Price' to get a quote. Your delivery will not be created at this point.


If you want to proceed with the booking based on this quote, continue with the booking process.


For any questions, feel free to reach out to Sherpa Support by submitting a ticket.

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